Sunday, October 9, 2016

Politics Please

Grammyism: "We'll let you out anytime..."

Hey guys! Get ready to watch the second presidential debate! It will become our history soon enough!


Thursday, October 6, 2016

Throwback to The Old Tantasqua Days

One thing that is often forgotten is that we are all a part of history. One day, what we are experiencing in our time will be taught in history classes to students much like ourselves. It is also  forgotten that thousands of people have walked the paths that we walk on a daily basis. "Who we are is who we were" was said by John Quincy Adams, and this video makes it apparent that students of Tantasqua today have evolved from the old Tantasqua. This video is from 1957, and will be a reminder that we are not all that different from students back then.