Grammyism: "I never truly loved any man, but I came close with Newt. He broke my heart"
I am making this post to remind us all that we don't have to be young to fall in love or to stay in love.
My grandmother never found her soul mate and she has stopped looking to find love because she is old. Part of me feels as though she has never been capable of loving a man with all her heart, and quite frankly, she is picky.
Although my Grandmother has never found the love of her life in terms of a man, she has found true love in her family, which is all some people need.
Even though my Grammy hasn't found true love, that is not the case for a lot of people.
I have seen so many old couples, who have either been committed to each other for decades, or those who have just met. I can promise you, no one is ever too old to find love.
It is a beautiful privilege to witness unrelenting love, and to witness an older couple continue to protect and take care of each other. The most comforting thing is to see an older couple still I love, reverting back to their youth.
Although they know they will soon lose one another, I like to believe that they find comfort in the fact that they spent their entire lives together. For those who just started dating again in their old age, I find courageous and brave. They don't let their fear of losing a loved one stop their pursuit for happiness and love.
Love does not, and should never, discriminate against sex, race, and age.
Oh my goodness. The pictures killed me. This is so adorable. It's so important to believe in love and to not give up on it.